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  • info@pdmsh.ua
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  • 15 December 2016
  • 317
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30th GMBr Commander decorates two more PFVMH medics

For saved lives of Ukraine’s defenders, The First Volunteer Mobile Hospital evacuation teams’ members doctor Iryna Chekan and paramedic Victoria Zubkova have been awarded commemorative badges of the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade commander. Chekan received her award personally on Dec. 12, the Day of Land Forces of Ukraine, whereas the badge of Zubkova will be brought to the battalion where she performs her voluntary mission.

Speaking after the ceremony, the 30th GMBr commander said that over about a year of work in the brigade the PFVMH’s medics have saved a total of more than two dozens lives of servicemen.

Read the whole story in Ukrainian on our site.

The 30th GMBr commander hands the commemorative badge to PFVMH doctor Iryna Chekan
L to R: Oleksandr Hahayev, PFVMH Vice President in charge of liaison with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies, the 30th GMBr commander, and PFVMH doctor Iryna Chekan

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