• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886


    Each hryvnia donated to PDMSh saves the state budget 500 hryvnias!

    The warfare dynamics hinge on crucial factors such as population mobilization, weaponry technology, military leadership prowess or incompetence, and most importantly, resources.

    A pertinent historical example is Germany’s defeat in the First World War, primarily due to resource depletion, leading to revolutionary upheaval and eventual capitulation with the Treaty of Versailles.

    Ukraine’s resilience in combat can be credited not only to its courageous soldiers but also to the significant contribution of foreign partners and allies, accounting for every second hryvnia in the Ukrainian budget. Nevertheless, even this support falls short of the needed resources.

    The cost of conflict is further emphasized by the substantial compensation, amounting to UAH 15 million, provided by the Ukrainian state to the families of fallen soldiers. A conservative estimate reveals that Ukraine has already paid over UAH 450 billion, or more than €10 billion, given the losses of 30,000 soldiers reported by the President.

    Let’s look at these figures from the angle of return on investment in frontline medicine and demonstrate how much the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PDMSh) saved the state budget.

    Let’s assume that PDMSh has saved the lives of 10% of its 35,000+ patients amid the full-scale aggression, i.e., 3,500 servicemen would have died if there were no volunteer medics at the front. When multiplied by 15 million, this result surmounts UAH 50 billion. At the same time, the PDMSh budget during this time amounted to UAH 100 million.

    Simple arithmetic shows that each hryvnia contributed to PDMSh safeguards 500 state budget hryvnias!!! And yet, this estimate does not encompass the tens of thousands of soldiers with relatively minor injuries and illnesses!

    This cynical arithmetic underscores the profound effect of donations to the PDMSh, elucidating that every hryvnia not only saves a life but also preserves 500 hryvnias in the budget, framing it as a collective investment made with taxpayers’ funds.

    So keep donating!



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    With the onset of the pandemic, the PFVMH wound down its activities in the armed conflict zone in Donbas since the losses due to COVID-19 by an order of magnitude exceeded the current losses on the front. For this period, almost all our volunteer medics returned to their hospitals. From then and until the beginning of Russia’s full-scale aggression in late February 2022, the PFVMH was in fact “mothballed.”


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