• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 04 November 2022
  • 179
  • 0

A day in the war – PFVMH Zhytomyr

Just a day in the war…

The road, which has already become almost eternal, endless; the autumn gray streak of light rain is replaced by a clear morning sky almost in line with the map of our country’s regions. The first autumn of the war, the 253rd day of resistance, the road home…

The Kharkiv Oblast lets go and simultaneously calls to return, help, support… One more rotation of our PFVMH unit is over…

Unharvested fields of pre-war sunflower crops, broken roads, mutilated houses and administrative buildings persist in our eyes and memory.

And most importantly… people remain in memory: the real patriots of our UKRAINE – the Wild Fields battalion, who protect and nurture every piece of their native land, and local residents, tired of the war…

Where there is PFVMH, there is life…

Our support means not only medicines and diagnoses, evacuation calls and duty. Our support means also faith in our people, faith in our UKRAINE, faith in our Great VICTORY!!!

No statistic conveys even a small part of the devoted work of our fighters on the medical front: everything resided in the soul, in the desire to help and support: checkpoints, shelters, shelling, evacuation routes, the deep and sometimes even carefree eyes of local children…

Such a war…

A war in which our PFVMH unit and all those who defend our dear Ukraine still have so much to do…



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