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  • 16 May 2019
  • 588
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Catching up before the inauguration: Presidential decorations handed to Pirogovites

PFVMH volunteer doctors Yevhen Homonay and Ivan Slychko have received Presidential badges “For Humanitarian Participation in the Anti-Terrorist Operation” awarded earlier. The two badges are the last of those President Petro Poroshenko has decorated Pirogovites. As PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman Gennadiy Druzenko jokingly said, “we tried to catch up while the badge certificates still bear the signature of the current President.”

Both doctors were handed their decorations in the presence of their colleague at their place of work. On Monday, it was done by Gennadiy Druzenko in the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital #2 “Burn Center,” which employs endoscopist, surgeon and combustiologist Yevhen Homonay.

On Wednesday, in the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, PFVMH Executive Director Tamila Danulevska handed the badge to Ivan Slychko, Assistant Professor at the department of disaster medicine and military medical training.

May 13, 2019, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital #2 “Burn Center”:

May 15, 2019, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education:


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