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  • 01 March 2018
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Dodge presented by Poles to fulfill tasks in ATO zone

On Tuesday, a Dodge presented by our Polish blood brothers has left the compound of the Volyn Oblast Clinical Hospital bound for Luhansk Oblast. In Eastern Ukraine, the vehicle with the ПДМШ 12 (i.e., PFVMH 12) license plate “will fulfill tasks related to provision of medical aid to patients in the ATO zone”, according to a Facebook post by the hospital’s Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department doctor, Serhiy Sivak – a participant in the June 2017 Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile hospital mission in Stanytsya Luhanska.

For the present, Sivak thanks Oleh Savchuk, a renowned Volyn doctor, and his Polish friend Artur Gazda, leader of the Polish Humanitarian Group (Polski Zespół Humanitarny). As the Facebook post author points out, it is not the first valuable present from the friends in the neighboring country. “Citizens of Ukraine and Poland who understand the seriousness of the threat from Moscow continue collaborating successfully in the fight against our common enemy,” Sivak emphasized.

ПДМШ 12 – такий реєстраційний номер буде мати гуманітарний автомобіль на фото, що 27 лютого виїхав з території Волинсько…

Опубліковано Serg Sivak 1 березень 2018 р.

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