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  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 04 February 2023
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Nobel Peace Prize laureate supports a PFVMH armored ambulances fundraising campaign

Ukrainian human rights lawyer Oleksandra Matviichuk, the head of the Center for Civil Liberties and a Nobel Peace Prize 2022 laureate, has called for donating to a campaign to raise funds to buy ten armored ambulances for the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital.

In a tweet, Matviichuk says the frontline medics badly need armored evacuation vehicles. She also added a video featuring a PFVMH foreign volunteer, Jennifer, who shows a bullet-pierced ambulance near a half-destroyed hospital in Lyman, Donetsk Oblast, a few miles from the frontline.

The Nobel laureate stresses that, in January alone, PFVMH handled more than 2,200 patients, an absolute majority of whom were severely wounded.

“We continue documenting the facts of Russians’ deliberate attacks against hospitals and ambulance vehicles. I call on you to support the fundraising campaign for 10 armored ambulance vehicles. It will save the lives of thousands of soldiers, civilians and their rescuers,” Matviichuk wrote.

She also provided the link to the page on the PFVMH website with payment details: https://medbat.org.ua/uk/help1/

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