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  • 23 May 2018
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PFVMH leaders meet Defense Minister Poltorak

Today, the executive director of the Charitable Foundation “Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital”, Taminla Danilevska, and the PFVMH vice president in charge of liaison with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies, Oleksandr Hahayev, met with Defense Minister of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak. The chairwoman of the Parliamentary Health Committee and member of the PFVMH Board of Trustees, Olha Bohomolets, and the chief of the Defense Ministry Main Military-Medical Department, Ihor Khomennko, also attended the meeting.

GA Poltorak reported on Facebook that the meeting participants “discussed issues in and mechanisms for further engaging medics, who work based on the principles of volunteering, in treatment of our wounded [servicemen]. We identified ways of solving relevant problems and measures we will take together in the near future.”

The Defense Minister also thanked the “front medics, both military and volunteers, for the provision of quality medical assistance, salvage and treatment of our heroes.”


Photo from the Stepan Poltorak Facebook page

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