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  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 29 December 2016
  • 326
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PFVMH receives Lanos as gift on Saint Nicholas’ Day

On Saint Nicholas’ Day, the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital received a gift – ZAZ Lanos Cargo pickup. The gift, intended for the PFVMH’s medevac, was “handed” on behalf of the Impreza Poliservice (IPS) company by initiators of the action and partners Oleksiy Zaika and Ihor Sechkov.

Oleksiy Zaika. According to “Halytsky Korrespondent,” he is “probably the best known photographer within the Ukrainian rock music community” (http://gk-press.if.ua/x10795/)

“We sincerely thank Oleksiy, Ihor and the entire team of their firm for such a generous gift,” said Oleksandr Hahayev, PFVMH Vice President and medevac commander. “By the way, Oleksiy is a good friend of mine and also of Andriy ‘Riffmaster,’ a wonderful rock musician who works as a driver/paramedic in the PFVMH evacuation team of the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade second battalion.”

“And though Oleksiy and Ihor hardly resemble Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus, as he is called abroad, their gift certainly proves that we behaved nicely during 2016,” Hahayev joked. “Well, speaking seriously, being real friends and patriots is what keeps us,” he added.

Photos from Oleksiy Zaika Facebook

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