• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 08 April 2022
  • 213
  • 0

“Pilgrimage”: over 100 burnt pieces of the orcs’ materiel

The former Ukrainian intelligence officer who manages PFVMH’s security wing – nom de guerre “Pilgrim” took part in exterminating a great amount of the muscovite occupants’ military equipment around the Kyiv suburb of Bucha.

Pilgrim collected information from his blood brothers – a team of intelligence veterans based in the Bucha District’s village of Blystavytsya – about the enemy’s movements and conveyed it to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, only from Feb. 26 to Mar. 14, the following materiel was destroyed:

  • 11 tanks;
  • 26 or more infantry fighting vehicles;
  • 18 or more armored personnel carriers;
  • 14 or more all-terrain vehicles Tigr;
  • 2 multiple rocket launchers Grad;
  • 4 or more mortars;
  • 2 self-propelled artillery vehicles; and
  • 28 logistics vehicles.

The photo below shows a map with the places where materiel was destroyed marked with post-it notes:

Yesterday, PFVMH medics guarded by Pilgrim visited Blystavytsya with humanitarian aid (see videos):



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