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  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 19 April 2022
  • 217
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PVMH continues “healing wounds” in Hostomel and Bucha

PFVMH’s volunteer medics continued providing humanitarian aid to residents of the liberated Kyiv suburbs of Hostomel and Bucha. “We still heal the wounds from the Russian ‘liberators,’” commented the mobile hospital leader, Gennadiy Druzenko.

In the video below, Elena Bulakhtina, a physician from Hamilton, Ontario, is distributing medicines and advising on their application. “Medicine here doesn’t follow guidelines,” says the Canadian doctor. “It’s all improvised with whatever supplies are available at the moment.”

Elena has been living and working in Canada for 10 years but her family and friends are still in Russia. Her mother does not believe her there is war in Ukraine. “When I call her and say, Mom, would you like to hear the stories … the atrocities …(that) I’m seeing myself? But she does not believe me.”


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