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  • 31 August 2023
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The war in Ukraine, as seen by doctors and medical volunteers – The Week

The Week, an Indian news magazine, has published an extensive story by Nirmal Jovial featuring the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital and based, to some extent, on the author’s interview with the PFVMH co-founder and leader, Gennadiy Druzenko (posted on YouTube).

“We have seen many ambulances and extraction vehicles that were shot and destroyed by Russian anti-tank missiles, automatic guns and rifles,” Druzenko told The Week. “The Russians do not adhere to the rules set by the Geneva Convention and other international agreements that protect medics. So vehicles carrying medics on the frontline have to avoid putting the red cross, which is typically a symbol of protection in the battlefield or war zone. Instead, we had to camouflage our vehicles using green colors to make them less visible.”

The story is undoubtedly a must-read for the people of India, whose official “stance on the Ukraine war makes little sense,” according to Politico, as the “country hasn’t just dumped its democratic principles but is providing crucial financial support for Russia’s brutal invasion.”

Read the whole story on The Week website.


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