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  • 01 February 2024
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Perfectionist “Babulya”: Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to our victory

Yaroslav Borysenko, a doctor of emergency medicine from Sumy, may well be the youngest Honored Doctor of Ukraine. In the combat zone, he is known by a rather unusual nom de guerre for a mail, “Babulya,” which means “Granny” in Ukrainian.

During his third mission with the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, the doctor provided care in the Bakhmut area, tending to a large number of seriously injured patients. “Of course, we worked with such patients in peaceful times as well, but not so frequently. And it was not so painful to see these patients suffer, because these people sustained such terrible injuries as a result of the aggression of the neighboring state. So sorry for the young guys,” Yaroslav said to the camera.

The doctor believes that the war “opened an opportunity for everyone to make some contribution or other to our victory,” even if not everyone is able to take a direct part in the fight.

“In some sense, I am a perfectionist. I want everything to be of the highest quality, pleasant, and efficient. And I strive for this every time I provide care,” said “Babulya.”

Yaroslav Borysenko is currently an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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