• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
    • 03 April 2022
    • 203
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    PFVMH medics worked in Irpin, evacuated a patient from Hostomel

    Two PFVMH ambulance teams worked on the evacuation of locals from Irpin. One of the teams also went to Hostomel to pick up a 76-old patient and transported him to the apoplexy center of the Kyiv Oblast Clinic Hospital. The rest of PFVMH personnel underwent TCCC training for non-medics. The doctors who took the patient […]

    • 02 April 2022
    • 187
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    Evacuation in Irpin, acupuncture in Lebedivka

    Since the war doesn’t discern between weekends and weekdays, the volunteer medics continued their toil today. Four PFVMH ambulances were busy evacuating locals from Irpin, one of the teams working from inside the city and three from the famous bridge at the approaches to it. There were no wounded, although the evacuation of civilians sometimes […]

    • 01 April 2022
    • 226
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    PFVMH’s “foreign legion” baptized by fire

    The PFVMH ambulance team that included foreign medics for the first time went to the Irpin area and evacuated to the Kyiv Oblast Clinical Hospital a 35-year local with gangrene in his frostbitten legs. The team included two Canadian citizens, a Brit, and a Ukrainian driver. A total of four PFVMH ambulances were used today […]

    • 31 March 2022
    • 183
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    PFVMH near Irpin: a day without wounded

    Today, three PFVMH ambulance teams were evacuating civilians from Irpin to Kyiv. There were no wounded, but one evacuated was hospitalized at the Kyiv Oblast Clinical Hospital with a suspected heart attack.    

    • 30 March 2022
    • 195
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    PFVMH volunteers bring out the wounded, evacuate civilians, come under fire

    One of three PFVMH teams that were on duty near Irpin brought out two wounded warriors of the 130th Territorial Defense Battalion to Kyiv and an unconscious person who had spent two days in the cold under debris. Two other teams evacuated local civilians, one team coming under fire during the evacuation. The videos below […]

    • 30 March 2022
    • 182
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    One more treatment & evacuation post opens In Lebedivka

    PFVMH has opened one more treatment & evacuation post in the village of Lebedivka, 30 kilometers north of Kyiv. Step by step, the volunteer hospital covers the entire northern direction of Kyiv’s defense.  

    • 30 March 2022
    • 144
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    PFVMH sets up a medical stabilization post based on the Endocrinology Institute

    Yesterday, the Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute within Ukraine’s National Academy of Medical Sciences and PFVMH signed an agreement on cooperation within the PFVMH project framework for the period of the Russian aggression. According to the agreement, PFVMH will deploy at the institute a post for the provision of medical services to servicemen and Foreign Intelligence […]

    • 29 March 2022
    • 191
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    PFVMH treats servicemen in Stari Petrivtsi, evacuates civilians from Irpin

    PFVMH’s medical stabilization post in Stari Petrivtsi has actively worked on its second day. This time, the doctors treated servicemen – because a war not only brings injuries and deaths but also aggravates “normal” diseases. Near Irpin, three PFVMH ambulances continued the evacuation of civilians. There were no wounded combatants.  

    • 29 March 2022
    • 203
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    Nicolas from France evacuates Irpin residents

    On the 33rd day of the Russian offensive, BFMTV’s special correspondent in Kyiv, Benoït Sarrade, takes stock in an interview with his fellow citizen Nicolas, a PFVMH ambulance and its team in the background (see video below). “Nicolas with his vehicle has already become part of PFVMH,” the volunteer medics say. “I had a chance […]

    • 29 March 2022
    • 210
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    Ambulances from Essex underway to PFVMH

    Two former servicemen in Essex, U.K., have raised enough money to buy four ambulances to help with the war efforts in Ukraine. These vehicles are intended for PFVMH. According to itv News, Andy Morgan and Nick Stearn could not stand by and do nothing. They say there is a big shortage of ambulances in Ukraine […]

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