“Poisonous” Oleksandr Hahayev: “Somebody must do this job until everything in our army is put right and there appear medevac services like those made by volunteers”
Oleksandr Hahayev is the vice president of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital in charge of liaison with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies as well as the commander of the medical service reinforcement group for the 30th Mechanized Brigade. He is not just an extraordinary person but quite a charismatic and […]
- 15 January 2017
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- 13 January 2017
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In Novotroitske, PFVMH medics treat heart attack in a woman and help her and her daughter pass checkpoint
Translation pending.
- 04 January 2017
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Fantastic nurse Viktoria Kramarenko: “When you convey to people your love for your country through your work and attitude, they feel it. I know it for certain”
All of over two hundred medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital are remarkable people – Personalities. Others would just have never left their sweet homes for Eastern Ukraine, where conditions they have to live in for a month are far from normal. And sometimes shootings happen there, too. No surprise that some of […]
- 30 December 2016
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In Volnovakha, PFVMH Medics Organize New Year’s Concert
On Dec. 30 in the front-line city of Volnovakha, Donetsk Oblast, Riffmaster rock band leader Andriy Antonenko and popular singer and composer Oleksandr Yehorov gave a concert. The show, organized by the vice president of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, Oleksandr Hahayev, in the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade, was moderated by poet Vasyl Kovtun.
- 29 December 2016
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PFVMH receives Lanos as gift on Saint Nicholas’ Day
On Saint Nicholas’ Day, the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital received a gift – ZAZ Lanos Cargo pickup. The gift, intended for the PFVMH’s medevac, was “handed” on behalf of the Impreza Poliservice (IPS) company by initiators of the action and partners Oleksiy Zaika and Ihor Sechkov.
- 27 December 2016
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First-aid/warming station launched under EC project at Novotroitske Checkpoint
A first-aid station with a warming tent has been launched on Dec. 27 for citizens crossing the delimitation line through the Novotroitske Checkpoint in Donetsk Oblast. The facility was set up under a project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).
- 22 December 2016
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PFVMH medics here are worth their weight in gold” – Officers’ feedback on work of PFVMH medevac teams
The 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade commander and other officers of the brigade share their views of work done by medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital’s evacuation teams and explain why their presence in the brigade is important. Read the whole story in Ukrainian on our site.
- 20 December 2016
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Icons on ammo boxes exposed in Kyiv’s cathedral
A charitable exposition of icons, pained by Kyivan artists Oleksandr Klymenko and Sofia Atlantova on fragments of ammo boxes brought from the areas of Anti-Terrorist Operation, was opened in the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Kyiv’s neighborhood of Teremky.
- 16 December 2016
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About 80 people have already been aided by PFVMH medics at Maryinka Checkpoint
As of Friday, about 80 people of those crossing the delimitation line between the Ukrainian government-controlled and noncontrolled territories from both sides used services of the first-aid station opened on Tuesday near the Maryinka Checkpoint, medics who run the facility reported.
PDMSh financial report for June 2024
- 15.07.2024
Armani: Not Giorgio, but Suren!
- 06.07.2024