• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
    • 16 December 2016
    • 319
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    About 80 people have already been aided by PFVMH medics at Maryinka Checkpoint

    As of Friday, about 80 people of those crossing the delimitation line between the Ukrainian government-controlled and noncontrolled territories from both sides used services of the first-aid station opened on Tuesday near the Maryinka Checkpoint, medics who run the facility reported.

    • 15 December 2016
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    30th GMBr Commander decorates two more PFVMH medics

    For saved lives of Ukraine’s defenders, The First Volunteer Mobile Hospital evacuation teams’ members doctor Iryna Chekan and paramedic Victoria Zubkova have been awarded commemorative badges of the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade commander. Chekan received her award personally on Dec. 12, the Day of Land Forces of Ukraine, whereas the badge of Zubkova will be […]

    • 06 December 2016
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    PFVMH medics awarded for saved lives of Ukraine’s defenders

    On Dec. 6, the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the commander of the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade handed commemorative badges to three medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. According to Oleksandr Hahayev, PFVMH Vice President in charge of liaison with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies, who leads […]

    • 02 December 2016
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    Forgotten war: we’ll either win it together with the west or lose it together – PFVMH President Druzenko

    What is happening in Eastern Ukraine is not only a war between Ukraine and Russia with pro-Russian separatists but a war for the basic values on which the Western civilization is founded, the president of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital said. Gennadiy Druzenko made this statement in a conversation with John Edward Herbst, Director […]

    • 29 November 2016
    • 344
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    Partnership for the Sake of Life: Ukrainian Agribusiness Leaders Have Once Again Supported Good Cause of PFVMH

    The charity event “Two Years Together: 20 Rotations, 220 Volunteer Medics and 10,000 Patients in the ATO Zone,” held in the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv on Nov. 25, 2016, was dedicated to the second anniversary of partnership between the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) and Andriy Hordiychuk, founder of the Agrarian […]

    • 25 November 2016
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    PFVMH team is bringing wounded soldier to Kyiv

    Right now medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) are transporting a wounded defender of Ukraine to the Neurosurgery Institute in Kyiv, PFVMH Commander Oleh reported by phone. He said the volunteer hospital’s ambulance “Stryianka” has just got out of a traffic jam resulting from an accident after Poltava. PFVMH anesthesiologist Volodymyr Khvalkovsky […]

    • 23 November 2016
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    How “ordinary folks” heal people and stitch up country

    Online magazine The Ukrainians has published a report by Nadia Shvadchak on work of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital in the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone in Eastern Ukraine. The journalist visited Popasna, Novoaydar, Tryokhizbenka and Stanytsya Luhanska within a press tour organized from Nov. 7-10, 2016 by the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. In her […]

    • 21 November 2016
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    Why do doctors from Western Ukraine go to work in ATO zone?

    From Nov. 7–10, the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) organized a press tour in Eastern Ukraine for a group of journalists to familiarize them with work of volunteer medics in health care institutions located in the zone of Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO). Yevhen Rudenko of Realist.online was the first to publish his report based on […]

    • 18 November 2016
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    Acting Health Minister’s order removes last red tape barrier between PFVMH medics and ATO warriors

    On Nov 18, 2016, acting Health Minister Ulana Suprun signed Order #1254 “On organization of missions of medical workers who volunteered to provide medical aid in ATO areas.” Setting up a procedure for involving civil medics in provision of medical aid in the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone within the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH), this […]

    • 11 November 2016
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    Leipzig’s Ukrainian community once again provides aid to PFVMH

    The Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) has received a parcel containing various surgical instruments and materials from the Ukrainian Greek Catholic parish community of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer Church in Leipzig, Germany. These items will soon be sent to Eastern Ukraine for volunteer doctors to use them for saving lives and […]

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