• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
    • 07 March 2022
    • 209
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    PFVMH ambulance fleet grows

    The PFVMH ambulance fleet has grown by five vehicles. Three ambulances, lent free to the volunteer hospital by one of the western foundations, already work. Two evacuate people from the blown-up bridge at the entry to Irpin, and one is transporting a wounded border guard to Germany. Two more vehicles, purchased for the PFVMH by […]

    • 06 March 2022
    • 346
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    Today, our ambulance “Gyulchyta” barely escaped Russian bullets. We congratulated Viktoria Kramarenko (Viktoriia Kramarenko) and Serhiy Kyselyov (Серега Киселёв) as if they had resurrected. Another ambulance was less lucky: near Stoyanka, at the crossing of the Zhytomyr highway, an orc sniper killed a woman sitting next to her husband driving the ambulance. To avoid risks […]

    • 05 March 2022
    • 1637
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    ATTENTION! PFVMH urgent needs (updated)

    The Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital badly needs the following: Evacuation jeeps; Armored ambulances; Normal ambulances; Starlink communication facilities; Filling stations in Kyiv willing to fill PFVMH ambulances with diesel fuel. Water in 20-L bottles – 150 bottles (3 tons); Powerful inverters 12V to 220V; Portable ventilators with batteries for ambulances; Diesel generators 10kW For […]

    • 21 February 2022
    • 477
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    We will fight!

    Now, when Putin has thrown his hordes to subdue Ukraine, Old Europe in Munich has made it clear that it will not take up arms to protect Ukraine. That it will not declare war on Russia if the latter attacks us. That there is no chance of either EU or NATO membership for Ukraine in […]

    • 05 March 2021
    • 1284
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    Icons on Ammo Boxes on Suspilne TV

    On Friday, Ukraine’s public TV channel Suspilne devoted one of its news video stories to the Icons on Ammo Boxes art project, the main sponsor of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. Journalist Viktoria Volyk reported on the project’s origin and interviewed its authors Oleksandr Klymenko and Sonia Atlantova as well as PFVMH Supervisory Board […]

    • 01 March 2020
    • 929
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    As a birthday present, the Ecumenical Patriarch received an icon painted on an ammo box fragment

    Yesterday in Istanbul, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on his 80th birthday received as a present from the Ukrainian delegation an icon of Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called painted on the bottom of an AKM ammunition box. The author of the work is Kyivan artist Oleksandr Klymenko. The Ukrainian delegation included Culture, Youth and Sports Minister […]

    • 29 February 2020
    • 380
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    Pope Francis received as a present one more icon on ammo box – this time, one by Sofia Atlantova

    Today during a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk presented the Roman Pontiff with a Mother of God icon “The Crop Saver” by Sofia Atlantova. The icon had been painted on a weaponry box fragment brought from Avdiyivka, a hotspot of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This […]

    • 24 February 2020
    • 1275
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    Two bombs in the Sheremet case or The administration of law vs. common sense

    The first bomb was real. It went off on July 20, 2016, in downtown Kyiv, ripping up a car and killing journalist Pavel Sheremet. The second bomb was virtual, activated on December 12, 2019, when the Ukrainian Interior Ministry at a news conference trumpeted that the Sheremet case was solved and three suspects apprehended: Andriy […]

    • 20 February 2020
    • 529
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    Holy Father presented with an icon by Oleksandr Klymenko

    On behalf of five bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia visiting the Vatican on ad limina apostolorum presented Pope Francis with an icon of Saint Apostle Peter by Oleksandr Klymenko. Participants in the meeting with the Pope included Archbishop and Metropolitan of Philadelphia Borys Gudziak; Bishop Pavlo Khomnytsky (Stamford, CT); Bishop Bohdan […]

    • 29 December 2019
    • 526
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    Open letter of the PFVMH to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

    Dear Mr. President, The Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH), one of Ukraine’s largest community of medical veterans of the war for the country’s independence, was shocked by the last weeks’ developments launched by the news conference at the Interior Ministry of Ukraine on Dec. 12, 2019. The President of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General of […]

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