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    • 24 June 2023
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    “Heroes of PFVMH” – a photo gallery by Kostiantyn Liberov

    A soldier’s hand, covered with the soot of war and Ukrainian black soil, is held by a doctor’s hand in a white sterile glove – as if an angel came down from heaven to keep the warrior in this world, not give him prematurely to the raw earth. A photographer from Odesa, Kostiantyn Liberov, published […]

    • 19 June 2023
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    Switzerland’s leading newspaper publishes a story about PFVMH

    The Neue Zürcher Zeitung, one of the world’s leading and oldest German-language newspapers, has published a story about the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. The story is based on an extensive interview with PFVMH co-founder and leader Gennadiy Druzenko. According to NZZ, Druzenko doesn’t trust the quiet. During the months of Russia’s full-scale war on […]

    • 05 June 2023
    • 124
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    Ukraine: volunteer rescuers at the front – SRF

    SRF, a Swiss broadcaster, has published an interview with PFVMH President Gennadiy Druzenko. “The war in Ukraine claims thousands of victims,” reads the caption under the video. “Lawyer Gennadiy Druzenko co-founded the private rescue service ‘Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital.’ The voluntary organization rescues injured and wounded people from the war zone in Ukraine. Recently […]

    • 01 June 2023
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    The number of PFVMH patients has exceeded 20,000 since the full-scale war began

    Over the past 13 months – after the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital returned to the Eastern Front – its volunteer medics provided care to more than 20,000 patients, the PFVMH president and co-founder, Gennady Druzenko, reported on Thursday. According to his estimate, every tenth wounded fighter of the Defense Forces of Ukraine met with […]

    • 29 May 2023
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    How the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital operates during the full-scale war

    On Monday, UkraineWorld published a story by Olha Tatokhina about the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) – a “group of civilian volunteer medics and support staff who provide medical assistance at the front in Ukraine.” “Unlike many other units, PFVMH volunteers are professional medics. 95% of the Hospital’s volunteers work for free. The unit’s […]

    • 25 April 2023
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    The Times’ Bakhmut story features PFVMH medics in action

    “The flash of blue lights cut through the darkness, speeding towards the battlefield. As the ambulance braked, the lights were turned off and paramedics jumped out, grabbing a stretcher on which an unconscious soldier lay,” Catherine Philp of The Times begins her report from Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, featuring the operation of volunteer medics. According […]

    • 04 February 2023
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    Nobel Peace Prize laureate supports a PFVMH armored ambulances fundraising campaign

    Ukrainian human rights lawyer Oleksandra Matviichuk, the head of the Center for Civil Liberties and a Nobel Peace Prize 2022 laureate, has called for donating to a campaign to raise funds to buy ten armored ambulances for the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. In a tweet, Matviichuk says the frontline medics badly need armored evacuation […]

    • 24 December 2022
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    Jesus will get you, U.S. medic tells Putin from Ukraine front line

    DONETSK FRONT LINE, Dec 23 (Reuters) – “Take the chest guy,” barked volunteer U.S. nurse Jennifer Mullee as shells exploded close to the Donetsk front line, triaging wounded Ukrainian soldiers before taking time to relay a personal warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mullee worked as an emergency nurse in a hospital in Los Angeles […]

    • 23 December 2022
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    On the brink of life and death: how Ukrainian wounded are saved in Lyman under “Grads” and “Uragans”

    More than 800 medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital helped thousands of people during the eight years of the unit’s existence. They saved wounded Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. Currently, PFVMH medics continue to serve in the hottest areas of the front. They evacuate the wounded, stabilize their condition, transport them to hospitals in […]

    • 22 December 2022
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    Field medicine: How Ukrainian volunteer medics work at the zero point

    The Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital runs a medical center in Lyman, Donetsk Oblast. It is here that they provide first aid to wounded soldiers and civilians. Ninety percent of all wounds are caused by fragments from explosions. Despite all the difficulties, the morale of the military is at a high level. The Ukrainian Armed […]

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