• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
    • 14 March 2022
    • 171
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    PFVMH receives a car with medical equipment and medicines

    A group of benefactors from the Ukrainian diaspora gave PFVMH a Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle along with medical equipment and medicines that the volunteer hospital needs for its operations. Peter Yarmola covered the cost of the car, the family of Omelian Shapka paid for the defibrillator, and a number of other people purchased medicines. The […]

    • 13 March 2022
    • 217
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    PFVMH evacuated a wounded American reporter (updated)

    A PFVMH ambulance team transported from under the Irpin Bridge an injured American journalist to Kyiv’s maternity and childhood protection hospital OkhMatDyt (now repurposed for the care of the wounded). Juan, a reporter of The New York Times, got a femoral bullet wound. The evacuation was carried out by the team of Viktor Belilovets, Viktoria […]

    • 12 March 2022
    • 214
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    We save our own. And that’s how we differ from the Muscovites

    PFVMH continued evacuating residents of Kyiv suburbs Irpin, Bucha, and Hostomel. Three teams worked today: two ambulances and a “veterinary” minibus. Hundreds of people and about 100 pets were brought to Kyiv. In the evacuation process, PFVMH veteran Viktor Belilovets participated in saving a wounded soldier (see video below). PFVMH’s unit in Zhytomyr dispatched an […]

    • 11 March 2022
    • 178
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    One more day of the war – PFVMH

    Four PFVMH teams participated in today’s evacuation from the Irpin bridge: three ambulances and our old good minibus “Thomas” with our icon-painter Oles Kllymenko in the driver’s seat. At the end of the day, one of the teams (Viktoria Kramarenko, Taras Pankevych, and Serhiy Kysil) went under shelling. Thank God, all are alive. Viktoria Kramarenko […]

    • 11 March 2022
    • 166
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    Khorst: alive and in Kyiv!

    Today, vascular surgeon Vladyslav Horbovets has returned to Kyiv from occupied Bucha, PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman Gennadiy Druzenko reported in a Facebook post. On Mar. 2, PFVMH brought Khorst to the active battleground to provide care to the wounded in the Irpin Central City Hospital. After Bucha was invaded by Muscovites, Vladyslav continued to work […]

    • 09 March 2022
    • 148
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    Evacuation from Irpin goes on

    Today, two PFVMH ambulance teams continued evacuating residents of Kyiv suburbs Irpin, Bucha, and Hostomel from the destroyed bridge at the entry to Irpin to Kyiv. Each of the vehicles did over 20 runs totaling over 250 km. One more PFVMH ambulance transported a wounded warrior from the Main Military Hospital in Kyiv to Cherkasy. […]

    • 09 March 2022
    • 197
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    The wounded border guard handed over to Polish rescuers

    A PFVMH ambulance team delivered the wounded border guard to Poland where the Polish emergency medical services (Państwowe Ratownictwo Medyczne) took over and will transport her to Germany. The PFVMH received words of gratitude from the border guards: “Thank you all very much, you have no idea what an important thing you have done! The […]

    • 08 March 2022
    • 190
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    PFVMH evacuates over 500 during the day

    Today, two teams of PFVMH ambulances evacuated over 500 residents of Irpin, Bucha, and Hostomel – Kyiv suburbs fully or partially occupied by Muscovite fascist invaders. As before, the evacuation was carried out from the destroyed bridge at the entry to Irpin to the nearest post in Kyiv. On the video, report by Viktoria Kramarenko: […]

    • 08 March 2022
    • 163
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    New York Post: “On the front lines with Ukraine’s ‘medical angels’”

    “…As daylight pierces through the snowy skies Monday, a call comes in for the medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, whose new temporary home is in the heart of downtown Kyiv. “Their male and female workers — many of whom sleep sitting up with their shoes on, ready to run — throw on […]

    • 08 March 2022
    • 207
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    PFVMH evacuates wounded border guard to Germany

    A PFVMH ambulance is transporting a wounded female border guard to Germany. “The situation with the border guard is absolutely tragic,” says Gennady Druzenko, PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman. “Her husband was killed. She is injured. And she has two little kids. The only chance to save her limbs is an operation in Germany. The Border […]

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