• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
    • 24 July 2019
    • 1090
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    PFVMH signs Memorandum of Cooperation with border guards

    Today, the Supervisory Board chairman of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, Gennadiy Druzenko, visited the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, where he signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the SBGSU Administration. SBGSU Head Serhiy Deyneko signed the document a week ago, according to its date. According to the Memorandum, the parties, taking into […]

    • 27 June 2019
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    PFVMH receipts and expenditures: all quiet on the financial front

    Nobody has canceled money so far (Beware of the Car movie) Last year, when the PFVMH in the person of its Supervisory Board chairman, Gennadiy Druzenko, participated in the New Leaders TV project, we were criticized for alleged lack of transparency in our treatment of benefactors’ money. In response, we analyzed the cash flow of […]

    • 19 June 2019
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    Icons on Ammo Boxes exhibition opens in Lviv

    An exhibition of unique icons, “Passiones/Passion”, by Kyivan artists Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko opened today in Lviv in the Ethnography, Arts and Crafts Museum. The artists painted the icons on ammo boxes, brought from combat areas in Eastern Ukraine, as part of the “Buy and Icon – Save a Life” project. The “Passiones/Passion” series […]

    • 08 June 2019
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    PFVMH wins regatta among combat participants

    Crews of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital on the Cardinal yacht came first in both races of the Sails of Freedom and Unity regatta for Russian-Ukrainian war veterans today in Kyiv. The competition was organized by the National Council for the Sports Rehabilitation in support of the Ukrainian sailors held captive in Russia. Tamila […]

    • 22 May 2019
    • 1036
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    An informal apolitical address on the political moment in the country Dear Friends! As we reiterated earlier on several occasions, the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital is beyond politics. Established during the hottest period of the war, it aimed at uniting efforts of patriotic medics from all corners of Ukraine (and not only) to save […]

    • 16 May 2019
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    Catching up before the inauguration: Presidential decorations handed to Pirogovites

    PFVMH volunteer doctors Yevhen Homonay and Ivan Slychko have received Presidential badges “For Humanitarian Participation in the Anti-Terrorist Operation” awarded earlier. The two badges are the last of those President Petro Poroshenko has decorated Pirogovites. As PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman Gennadiy Druzenko jokingly said, “we tried to catch up while the badge certificates still bear […]

    • 12 May 2019
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    “Passiones/Passion” icons exhibition moves to Fastiv

    After being displayed in Kyiv’s St. Sophia Cathedral, the “Passiones/Passion” exhibition of icons by Kyivan artists Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko has moved to Kyiv Oblast’s city of Fastiv, where it was open today in the Exaltation of the Holy Cross church. During the Sunday service, Fr. Mykhaylo Romaniv, the dean of the Roman Catholic […]

    • 01 May 2019
    • 346
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    PFVMH medics participate in evacuation of wounded near Donetsk

    One of MedStar Medevac PFVMH teams participated in the evacuation of three Ukrainian soldiers wounded today in the front sector near Donetsk. The volunteer hospital’s coordinator of evacuation teams was also part of the life-saving operation, PFVMH Vice President in charge of liaison with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies Oleksandr Hahayev […]

    • 27 April 2019
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    PFVMH volunteers come to Lviv Hospital with Easter greetings for wounded defenders of Ukraine

    Today, a group of PFVMH volunteers (Pasha Demyanov, Halyna Chernysh, Taras Svystun, Oleh Shyba, Stepan Kutsmyda, and Roman Kis) visited the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region in Lviv to – traditionally now – congratulate the defenders of Ukraine treated there on Easter. According to Pasha, the volunteers brought “half-vanful of delicacies” for […]

    • 16 April 2019
    • 948
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    Artist Oleksandr Klymenko: “I’m happy because I feel like a person who participates in the real transformation of death into life”

    On Apr. 16, 2019, an exhibition of icons by Kyivan artists Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko, “Passiones/Passion,” was opened in Kyiv’s St. Sophia Cathedral. The new series of Icons on Ammo Boxes as part of their joint initiative with the PFVMH, “Buy and Icon – Save a Life,” was painted in commemoration of those killed […]

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